Dashyl had lost track of how long he had been with the
curics from Sanctum. He lost count of how many times the moons had spun through
their cycles over the courtyard outside his window at night. Once Fretly arrived, the time went
much quicker. He didn’t now much about his new companion other than that he was
older and from a place far away, judging from the way he talked. The two would
play and partake in athletic contests to strengthen themselves.
Every so often,
Dashyl would ask, just to see if something had changed, “So you remember
nothing but waking up here?”
“Nothing. It was like I was born here,” Fretly would say and shrug his shoulders.
Once Dashyl’s physical therapy ended, his mental therapy began.
The curics would interview him about his life, his memories. He didn’t want to
give away too much. He had let too much slip in telling them about his father.
During long interviews, different curics would ask him about his childhood in
Katena, in the Legion lands. The boy could tell they were fishing for
something, a location, perhaps. Dashyl only talked about his schooling and
never discussed his home life or interactions with his father.
When Dashyl would ask the curics why they were so curious
about him, they would say it was for his mental health, to help his lost
memories return. But when he would ask who was running the place or who was so interested
in seeing him get better, the healers only deflected the question, saying simply
that they were devoted to healing and nothing else, that they were compelled to
do this by no one. Dashyl wanted to believe their smiling, robed faces. Eventually, the sessions of questioning stopped. Soon after,
he began not to worry about anything and started to enjoy himself.
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