Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dashyl's Quest

“I’ve been sneaking out at night, Dash,” Fretly admitted, whispering as they dressed in the morning.

“What do you mean? Sneaking where,” Dashyl asked, skeptical.

“Around this complex. The old blue bags keeps watch down the hall, but I can sneak past one of the night ones. She’s old and falls asleep. I’m trying to find a way out. There’s no way out of the courtyard. There are so many rooms and locked doors. I got into where they must live and sleep. They all sleep in rooms together. I found the kitchen, but there’s too many of them walking around to explore that area.”

“Wow, Fretly, I never thought to sneak around like that,” Dashyl said, jumping down from his bed. He walked over to the door and looked down the hall. “When did you start this?”

“A few days ago. I’ve been having some bad dreams that wake me up. I can never remember them when I wake up, but I feel so anxious that I can’t sleep. So, I get up and walk around. It’s the most fun I’ve had since I’ve been here.”

“What if they catch you,” Dashyl asked, not really sure why it mattered.

Fretly shrugged. “I don’t know. Pretend I’m sleepwalking?”

The two laughed over that thought. Dashyl skipped over to Fretly and punched him in the shoulder. “That’s stupid.”

“You’re stupid,” Fretly said, punching at Dashyl, but the boy flinched enough to miss the friendly blow.

“No, you’re stupid. Everyone knows if you want to remember your dreams, you need to keep a dream journal. Start writing them down right when you wake up and you should be able to remember them. I’ve done it before. Ask Rathyra for some paper and something write with,” Dashyl suggested.

“Really? That works, huh? All right, I will ask her. Hey, I’ll race you later today. I bet I can finally beat you, slowpoke,” Fretly challenged.

“Hah. Not a chance. See you in the courtyard later.” Dashyl knew he would always be faster than Fretly, but he could let him try.

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